The Vocation of the Foyers de Charité
The vocation of the Foyers de Charité is to revitalize and strengthen Christians in their faith so that they can live out their baptism to the full and contribute to the life of the Church at the service of the entire world. And beyond the community of believers, their vocation is also to give all men the opportunity to meet Christ and grow in humanity.
How is the Foyer organized?
The “father of Foyer ” bears the responsibility before God and the Church. He is helped in his task by a lay member, a man or a woman, who is in charge, and a council made of a few members of the Foyer who are elected by the community. All members contribute to the growth and the mission of the Foyer and are responsible for its life. Each Foyer is supported by a judicial structure according to the country’s legislation.
Gathered together by the Lord
Currently, the community on-site includes 14 members who are divided between the service of the mission of retreats.
Who enters the Foyer?
It is a choice on the part of the Lord who calls, and on the part of the person who responds. Coming from all horizons, lay people, men and women, single, are called together to form a family of God on earth which is at the service of evangelization.
Membership in the vocation of the Foyer is on a come and see system (John 1: 39). If you are aged between 20 and 35 years, and would like to have more information or to investigate the possibility that you may have a calling to join the Foyers de Charité, please contact our office for more details on the following numbers +256 772 830880, +256 752 646329 and +256 754 335335. Email: namugongokyoto@gmail.com .