Foyer de Charité is a community of baptized single men and women who, following in the example of the first Christians (Acts 2: 41- 47), live a simple and fraternal life, sharing our material, intellectual and spiritual goods. We live our commitment in the same spirit to realize the family of God on earth, with the Blessed Virgin Mary as a mother, under the guidance of a priest who is the “father of the Foyer”. In an incessant effort of mutual charity, and by our life of prayer and work in the world, we endeavor to bear witness to light, charity, and love, according to the great message of Christ, King, Prophet, and Priest.
Every morning, we gather together at Holy Eucharistic Mass and consecrate our unity. It is the summit of our day. Prayer said in the morning and evening links us to the praise and intercession of the entire Catholic Church. Each day we turn to the Virgin Mary in our morning prayer of consecration and in the rosary.
Close to Christ in the Eucharist, we find love, joy, the grace of forgiveness, and unity. Every day, we adore for an hour, in order that our entire day may belong to Him.
Gathered together by the Lord, we are there for Him. Each day follows a rhythm set by prayer and work, brotherly love and welcome. A regular meeting enables us to adjust and balance our family life, our life of union with God, and our work life in order to provide an ever more Christian welcome, to those that the Lord brings near to us; retreatants, helpers, friends passing through and members of other communities.
There are liturgical celebrations but we also celebrate birthdays and have meals of thanksgiving at the end of retreats, or for the departure or return of Foyer members who are sent out on a mission.
During the week, everyone carries out the work required of him or her according to their abilities and gifts. Welcoming retreatants, spiritual and liturgical activities, cooking, book keeping, and other activities. We also share the usual duties that occur in any family life; Washing up after meals, laying the table, and other housework.
The main mission of the Foyers de Charité is to participate in evangelization through the preaching of spiritual retreats that are open to everyone. We offer retreats in a silent atmosphere, during which the participants are welcomed as part of the family and receive teachings that summarise the Fundamentals of the Catholic faith.
Through our work, prayer, hospitality, and the spiritual retreats offered at Foyer, our goal is to :
Live out and bear witness together to the love of Christ for each person.
Strengthen Christians in their faith.
Give all men and women the chance to meet Christ and to grow in humanity.